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FAQ  for Case Managers 



How Do I refer a Parent or Family for Intensive Parent Coaching?

To refer a parent or family to our Intensive Parent Coaching Program, please submit your information, and we will send you an email with detailed instructions on how to enroll the family in our program. If you have any specific concerns or urgent referrals, feel free to reach out for personalized assistance.

Will There Be a Certificate of Completion for Court Documentation?

Yes. If the parent successfully completes all six consecutive weekly sessions, they will receive a Certificate of Completion. Additionally, the case manager listed on the referral will receive a copy of this certificate via email within seven days of the program’s completion. This serves as official documentation of participation, attendance, and successful completion for court or agency records.

Will I Be Notified If a Participant Unenrolls or Stops Attending?

Absolutely. If a participant unenrolls or fails to attend scheduled sessions, an email update regarding the client's status will be sent to the referring case manager immediately. This applies to both our virtual sessions and in-person sessions at our Parent Coaching Center, ensuring transparency and continuous communication regarding the family's engagement in the program.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to support you in helping families succeed.


What is the difference between a Parenting Coach and an Intensive Parenting Coach?

Intensive Parent Coaches assist families with an open court case or participating in a diversion program to prevent children from being sheltered.


At ALCC Parent Coaching Center, we understand that every family’s journey is unique. Our Intensive Parenting Services (IPS) are designed to provide compassionate, hands-on support, equipping parents with the tools, strategies, and confidence to create a healthier, more connected relationship with their child.

  • A Personalized, Supportive Approach  

  • Our Intensive Parent Coach (IPC) begins with an initial assessment—a vital step in understanding each family's strengths, challenges, and history. During this session, we work collaboratively with parents to: 

  •  Identify past parenting strategies, what has worked, and what hasn’t                                 

  •  Establish family and parental goals to foster stronger relationships                                       

  •  Reflect on personal childhood experiences, helping parents choose which learned behaviors to embrace or transform

  • Develop creative, child-specific strategies to improve communication and discipline


With weekly goal-setting and accountability, parents will gradually build on their progress, feeling empowered, motivated, and supported every step of the way.

Comprehensive, Hands-On Support

  • Our IPC work side by side with parents to ensure a structured yet flexible plan that prioritizes the physical, emotional, and developmental well-being of their child. This includes:

  • Addressing Agency Concerns: Together, we assess the reason for agency involvement and develop a plan that ensures child safety and well-being.

  •  Creating Real Solutions: We help parents identify stressors and craft practical, actionable strategies to manage challenges effectively.

  •  Parent-Child Observation & Coaching: By participating in real-time parent-child sessions, we provide feedback and tailor parenting plans based on direct observations of bonding, communication, and discipline techniques.

  •  Encouraging Growth & Readiness: Parents receive personalized guidance to foster emotional growth, build confidence, and prepare for long-term success in meeting their child’s needs.

  •  Resource & Stability Support: We assist parents with job search strategies, resume development, and stable housing solutions, ensuring a strong foundation for their family.

  •  Case Plan Guidance: Our IPCs work closely with parents to review case plans, set achievable goals, and provide the necessary support to complete required tasks successfully.

  • Empowering Parents for Lasting Change: Our goal is not just short-term success, but long-term transformation. We guide parents toward self-sufficiency, ensuring they can confidently make informed decisions for their family without reliance on coaching. By the end of this process, parents will have developed the skills, mindset, and support systems needed to thrive as engaged, capable, and confident caregivers.


What does an Intensive Parent Coaching Class deliver?

Intensive Parent Coaching Group, for families involved with Department of Children and Families (DCF) or are involved with any State Welfare Agency, or judicial case.

6-week class outline. 

Week 1- Navigate system/case

Introduction: Us and them (age/stage of child) reason for case/call – DV/addiction, and what they aim to gain from the group, explore expectations.

  • Understand case plan

  • Explore expectations

  • Value in building positive relationships with team (CM, Providers, GAL)

  • Get to know each other- explore common trends of why families end up with a case

(decision making, ineffective communication, decision making, unhealthy relationships,

  • DV, physical verbal, emotional abuse and how it impacts the entire family.


Week 2- Parenting styles

Reflection (cultural influences in parenting practices, something you battle in your life from your childhood you don’t want to repeat)- activity 2 things you don’t want to repeat, 2 things you adopted and want to continue with your children. What do you want your child to inherit from if you if asked this question.

  • Explore parenting styles

  • Make connections between styles and potential outcomes

  • Making connections between parents (participants) upbringing, style used throughout participants’ upbringing, the style participant currently uses, and the style participants would like to learn to utilize

  • Explore parent’s parental goals


Week 3- Creating a nurturing environment

Power of our words

  • Nurturing environment wheel

  • Teens site challenges

  • Listen without defending

  • Parent reaction determines if escalation or de escalation

  • Reflection on choices made by bringing family to the case

  • Decision making

Week 4- Ages and Stages- Understanding your child and their needs

  • Understanding ages of development – what they can do, should be able to do versus

  • what you want or expect them to be able to do

  • Who they are versus your fantasy of who you thought they would be

  • Child is unable to think like parent.

  • Age-appropriate parenting

  • Exploring foundations

  • Value found in structure, consistency, and routine

  • Willful misbehavior versus childhood irresponsibility

  • When they need a Dr. versus when they may need the ER

  • Recognizing emotional needs

  • How to establish a sense of security

  • Visits – needs associated with their time together.

  • Maximize time to build, rebuild, or enhance relationship

  • Discuss laws babysitting, leaving older children with younger siblings- encourage for

them to do homework.


Week 5- Rules, consequences, and expectations

  • Difference between discipline and punishment

  • Rules in the home, policies in the workplace, and laws in the community

  • Consequences, exploring with levels (low, medium, and high level)

  • Recognizing patterns/triggers

  • What is appropriate for your child.

  • If constantly punishing for same behavior, then not effective.


Week 6- Summary- you are the author of your story

  • Parental goal- what is your plan once reunified

  • What are you trying to change?

  • How do you change it?

  • What do you want your child to know

  • Knowing YOUR personal ingredients to your successful parenting recipe.

  • Survey

At ALCC Parent Coaching Center, we believe that every parent deserves a chance to grow, heal, and build a stronger future for their child. Through our Intensive Parenting Services, we provide not just guidance—but genuine support, encouragement, and empowerment.


Let us walk this journey with you. Together, we can create a brighter future for your family.


For over 17 years, ALCC Parent Coaching Center has been a pioneer in parent coaching, offering transformative support to families across Central Florida and beyond.


407-610-LIFE (5433)



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